Youth Service


Plymouth Creek Christian Church


October 28, 2007

We Gather to Worship


Prelude                                       “”                         Jeremae Francis


Bringing in the Light                                        Carsten Ingvoldstad


Praise Songs               “Shout to the North”                             Insert

                                         “Sing Hallelujah”                                   #32

                                               “Alleluia”                                       #106


Welcome & Announcements    

Please take this time to sign the attendance registers

located at the ends of your rows


Call to Worship




Invocation followed by Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy

kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give

us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive

those who sin against us; and lead us not into temptation but

deliver us from evil.  For thine is the kingdom and the power, and

the glory forever.  Amen


*Hymn of Celebration                                                                      


Children’s Moment                                      Lauri & Amy Leonhardt


                                 We Hear the Word of God


Scripture                                                                    Hillary Porter          

                    Psalm 100 p. 552 , Matthew 11:25-30 p.12


Musical Praise                           “”                          Elizabeth Larson


Message                                                                         Ray Nelson           


                            We Respond to God’s Presence


Offering our Life


*Music of Commitment                                                                    



Offering our Prayers                                                     Ray Nelson


Offering our Resources                                                                             


Offertory Music       “Strong, Gentle Children”      Maya Ingvoldstad

                                             Piano Solo             Carsten Ingvoldstad


*Offertory Response                “”                                                    



Offering Prayer                                                  LeAnn Von Eschen


We Share God’s Love at the Table

All Christians are invited to share in Communion


Invitation                                                                    Donna Jensen


Hymn of Faith                               “”                                                  


Words of Institution                                                  Donna Jensen


Communion Prayer                                                     Steve Larson


Music for Meditation                                            Jeremae Francis



Benediction                                                                    Ray Nelson


*Response                                 “”                                       #434 v.1


Postlude                                                                 Jeremae Francis

*All who are able, please stand.

Today’s Worship Team


Guest Pastor                                             Ray Nelson

Music Minister                                  Jeremae Francis

Worship Leader                                     Steve Larson

Assistant Worship Leader          LeAnn Von Eschen

Acolyte                                       Carsten Ingvoldstad

Children’s Moment          Laurie & Amy Leonhardt

Communion Prep                              Martha Francis

Greeters                       Tom Beninga & Carol Jensen

Servers        Maya Ingvoldstad & Elizabeth Larson

                                 Matthew Jarvi & Hillary Porter

Worship Facilitator                   Carsten Ingvoldstad

Servant Leader                                     Donna Jensen

Nursery Assistant